
The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has now spread throughout the U.S. and most of the globe. Whether you are staying at home with children, working from home, or are one of the essential workers who leave home every day, there are important things for you to know to protect your physical and your mental health.

Kids First of Florida offers these resources for you to learn more about COVID-19 and give you tips and skills for coping through this difficult time. In addition, our offices are open and staff is taking all recommended precautions including regular hand washing and hand sanitizer. We are working diligently to meet all of your needs during this time of physical distancing.

The correct way to wash your hands to prevent infection.

Resources For COVID-19 Information

Clay County Emergency Management
Local updates, special needs registration & more.

Florida Health COVID-19 Updates
Statewide information, alerts & resources.

Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Latest information on the pandemic, guidelines on protective equipment, and more.

World Health Organization
Maps of COVID-19 outbreaks worldwide, travel advice, videos and more.

Tips For Protecting Your Family & Coping With Social Distancing

Coronavirus: Mental Health Coping Strategies (

Using & Wearing Cloth Face Coverings (

Is Coronavirus Making You Anxious? (

Mental Well-Being (
A variety of resources on mental health and well-being during the pandemic.

Positive Parenting & COVID-19 (
Tips for keeping things calm at home.

How to clean and disinfect your home (

6 ways to reassure your family when Coronavirus hits your finances (
