Foster Parent Appreciation Week: Meet The Dales
The Dales have had several placements over time, and are known for treating the children like a biological child from day one. The most recent foster child is a girl who suffers with asthma and requires many medical appointments. They are paying out of pocket for daycare for the amount not covered by the voucher. They keep the Kids First staff informed of all things going on in the home and they are maintaining connections with the child’s family.

They supervise visits with the mother, maternal grandfather, maternal aunts, sibling and other relatives. They want to adopt , but are willing to do an open adoption understanding how important it is to maintain those family connections. They have always treated the mother with nothing but kindness and respect, paying for dinner, getting her into the hands-on museum with her child, etc. They often act as a support to their foster child’s mother. They are just genuine people who understand that the parents we work with come from different backgrounds and lack the opportunities that “we” have had.