How To Add More Laughter To Your Life
Laughter IS the Best Medicine! Did you know that laughing is great for your health? Some people describe laughter as the best medicine because it encourages you to breathe in more oxygen and energize organs such as the heart and lungs. What’s more, laughter increases the release of endorphins in your brain. Endorphins work to…
Read MoreMake Elf on the Shelf Work for You: 8 Ideas for a Stress-Free December
Elf on the Shelf can be a divisive concept. Some parents have embraced this cheeky, imaginative toy, and enjoy finding new, inventive scenarios for their kids to discover each December morning. Others find it an unnecessary stressor, adding extra work to the already busy holiday season. Parents can spend ages online looking for cheap ideas…
Read MoreWhen your child asks about their birth family
Most adopted children are curious about their birth family. Your child’s birth family is a major part of his or her adoption story, and it is important to talk with your child about them openly, honestly, and positively. Talking about your child’s birth family can be a sensitive subject for everyone involved. Every adoptee’s story is…
Read MoreTips for Creating A Blended Family
Developing a happy home life for families isn’t always easy, but blending two different families has its own particular challenges. Blending a family can take a while, but it is important to find a groove that is comfortable for everyone. While every family has its own dynamic, some universal tips can help blended families become…
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