Kids First Appreciates Foster Parents – Meet The Levans
Kids First is celebrating our superstar foster parents during Foster Parent Appreciation Week. Today, we are happy to share the story of Michelle and Jeff Levan.

Michelle and Jeff Levan have been Fostering for almost 2 years, but have had several placements thus far. Michelle and Jeff have been pillars to their children’s success and have loved all the children as their own while in their home. Michelle and Jeff volunteered to become safety monitors for a sibling group where it required Michelle to travel to Starke, FL (45min away) to check on the kids and ensure their safety post-reunification. She remained in constant contact with the case manager. Michelle and Jeff remain available for all of their placements and have facilitated relationships with the biological parents to help make transitions less traumatic for the children. Michelle and Jeff value the stability and nurturing environment that most children who are removed lack. They both value the goal of reunification, but would have taken each child long term if the opportunity presented itself. Michelle and Jeff have gone above and beyond their role as a Foster Parent and each child is touched by their involvement.