Meet April & Jodi Swanson – Fabulous Foster Parents
The week of February 11 – 15 is Florida Foster Family Appreciation. At Kids First, we would like to recognize some of our Foster Family Superstars and share their stories with you.
April and Jodi Swanson, licensed foster parents since July 2018.
Jodi and April are relatively new foster parents, but they readily accepted a premature baby late in the evening after the baby was removed from a home. As our staff worked with them, transporting the child and doing visits, they were incredible. They asked a lot of questions and wanted to know about his routine and any upcoming appointments.
They even wanted to know about his history in utero and how his birth went.
April and Jodi still have this child in their care and he is thriving along with another child they have been fostering for a bit longer. They are attentive, caring and go above and beyond for the children they have in their home. Jodi even quit working full time to accommodate the kids being sick so she could be at home with them. They are both extremely maternal and have met with the mother at the doctor appointments for the child.
Amazing people. Amazing parents. Amazing community partners.