Meet our 2021 Foster Family Appreciation Week Honorees

The Muntain Family
Michael and Alis Muntain received a placement in August of 2020 and accepted him with open arms. The child immediately felt like part of the family and didn’t take long to refer to Michael and Alis as Mom and Pop. Knowing the importance of family, they searched for the relatives the child mentioned and were able to rekindle the relationships with the grandmother and an older sibling. The child was adopted recently, and the family intends to keep the relationships with biological family moving forward. We are so thankful to have the Muntains as part of our Foster Homes in Clay County. They are a true representation of keeping the child’s needs as top priority, even if it requires them to step out of their comfort zone.
The Sabol Family
Heather and Jesse Sabol are a relatively new Foster Home to Clay County, but you’d never know that if you met them. They have graciously accepted a number of children into their home and just recently a teen. They are successful in making the children feel safe and comfortable without judgement. They do a wonderful job meeting the child where they’re at and advocating for them without looking back. It’s always a pleasure working with The Sabols and we are so happy to have them as part of the Kids First team.
The Gunn Family
Miyuki and Todd Gunn are angels of Clay County. When there is a child who presents a challenge to place, they’re always willing to bring them into their home until a more permanent home can be located. Each child is wrapped with love and support when they walk into the door. We’re so thankful to have such a wonderful couple as part of the Kids First Family.
Rebecca Paceley
If you’ve ever wondered what Wonder Woman looked like in real life, it would be Rebecca Paceley. Rebecca is relatively new to the fostering world, but has always had a house full (and her heart as well I’m sure) since she became licensed. Working with Rebecca is a reminder that Foster Parents are a crucial part of the welfare team for each child. Advocating for the children in her care is something she is truly passionate about and the children flourish because of it. We’re so lucky to have Rebecca as part of our Kids First team.
The Watford Family
Tracy and Craig Watford are amongst the veteran Foster Parents in Clay County. They’ve fostered hundreds of children, to include those who require a medical foster home. Tracy’s passion and love for children is contagious. She is always willing to help and mentor other Foster Homes as she has an abundance of knowledge to share. To say we are thankful for the Watfords, is an understatement.