Preparing for a Vacation with Young Adults
Traveling With Teens & Young Adults
Planning a trip with your young adult children? Traveling with older kids can be the most fun you’ll have, as long as you do a few things in advance. A vacation with young adult children can be one of the most pleasurable trips you take, now that the kids are old enough to appreciate the experience and enjoy the same activities as you. But making the vacation a success for everyone takes some forethought and planning. Follow these six tips to prepare for a vacation with young adults, and give your kids–and yourself–the best trip ever.
Let Older Kids Help Pick the Vacation Destination
Older kids like to have some say in family decisions, so let them. Throw out a handful of places to go on vacation, including ideas from the kids, and take a vote. Letting young adults help make decisions that affect the whole family is a good life experience. It will also set you up for a successful trip since they’ll be less likely to argue about a destination they helped choose.
Accommodate Older Children Adequately
Squeezing the family into a hotel room may have been fine when the kids were young, but older children need their space. Look for accommodations that will give everyone room to lounge and sleep. Cabins, condos, and apartment rentals do just that, and the cost will be better than getting several hotel rooms. Plus, spacious accommodations often include kitchens and multiple bathrooms.
Set the Tone for Technology
If you don’t want your young adult children to spend the entire vacation on their phones or other electronic devices, let them know ahead of time. Today’s young people are prone to spending hours using technology, so it’s a natural instinct to continue that pattern on vacation. Set some ground rules before you go–either leave their phones at home or agree to limited use.
Do Some Food Planning for Young Adults
Want to keep young adults happy? Just mention food, and they’ll come running. If you’re planning to do your own meal preparation on vacation, choose foods you know your older kids will eat–their favorite staples along with some new menu ideas tailored to them. Resorts and hotels that have plenty of restaurant and food choices make great stays for young adults, too.
Research Age-Appropriate Activities
You may know what your young adult children like to do at home, but keeping them happily engaged on vacation is another story. Research area attractions and activities before you leave town to find out what’s available. Older kids like everything from sightseeing to exercise to playing games. Discuss the options in advance and prepare a list to take along on the trip.
Include Downtime for Everyone
Young adults don’t need naps like they used to, but having downtime will help them refresh and recharge. Set aside space in the vacation schedule for a cat nap, rest in the hotel, or a break to read on the beach. Downtime won’t just benefit the kids: it’ll give you a moment to unwind alone, divert your attention to some personal pampering, and replenish your energy too.
Going on vacation with young adult kids can be a relaxing and fun experience for everyone. Plan ahead, and make this special time together something the family will never forget.